Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 56 to Day 59 - Relax @ Hatyai

Hatyai is a very familiar town to me as I've been here numerous times and have some friends here.
This is considered 'home ground' to me and I'm very comfortable here.

Some of the places that I've went to in Hatyai include:

-Lee garden
-Night bazaar
-Sugarbeat disco
-Nectar bar
-Boran Bann Buri
-Boo bar

Not many photos as I was extremely lazy.

My parents left for Singapore on Tiger Airways 2pm flight on Thursday 08/12/2011 (Day 58) while I stayed on in Hatyai for a couple more days to unwind from my trip.

On Day 59, my friend's mum came to town and she brought us to Dannok (a border town 60km south of Hatyai) to party and have a good time.

Before I left for Dannok, I went to Winstar hotel to meet up with the 'Ridenorth team' who were in their way to MHS/GT and wished them all the best for their trip and prayed for their safe return.

Something comical happened as her Merc ran out of fuel just 3km outside of Dannok at the Customs house. When the fuel was replenished, the car can't start due to a weak batt. We had to call for reinforcement. The car did start miraculously after 20minutes and didn't give us another problem for the rest of the night.

We first went to visit her friend who was operating a brothel near the Grand Osar hotel and had some drinks and chit chat there. At about 12am, we went to Yes! disco which was a very very fun place which puts the other discos in Hatyai to shame.

The place was huge and the entertainment was fantasic and we super enjoy ourselves. We drank alot and went back stoned. It was a good thing that our driver no drink much and managed to send us back safely.

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